Feedback & Updates

Hey all, we've seen your feedback and also did some playtesting ourselves and decided to update the game to reflect that.
This includes the unified controls as well as the balance of the early game, but more on that at the bottom of this page...

Buggy Bot

In Buggy Bot you play as a tiny robot beetle, created by a very mad and very busy scientist.
Because he is a very mad and very busy scientist he has abandoned you alone in his backyard with all of his other creations.

Now you have to fend for yourself against all of the other mad denizens of this rusty old place full of trash.

Friendly Fire

Beware, the bullets you shoot to defend yourself from all the other crazy robots, that your creator has thrown into his back yard, bounce off of the trash lying around and might just come back to hit you instead.


In his merciful madness your scientist creator has given you the ability to assimilate items from the trash heap to upgrade your capabilities.

Risk-Reward System

Some upgrades can be very impactful to your enemies, but also yourself!
So make sure you choose wisely to stay in one piece for as long as you. How strong do you dare to get before you yourself become your biggest threat?


Yeah, we've got one two :)

Day #0

Alternative Control Scheme

We have gotten a lot of feedback regarding the unified movement and shooting direction and while that decision was made to enforce the theme of the Jam, we too think that Buggy Bot can be a lot more fun with split controls.

Therefore we decided to offer a separate, more traditional, “Twin-Stick” control scheme version of Buggy Bot for both Windows and Linux, with split aim and movement directions using either 'WASD' for movement and the Mouse to aim or the Left&Right-Stick for controller input.
Due to this alternative control scheme having a large impact on the difficulty of the game, this version has a separate online leaderboard.

Day #1

Balance Patch

Since the end of the jam we have been busy playtesting, polishing and listening to your feedback on the balance of the game and found that especially the early game of our game tended to not be very exiting. It takes a while for your projectiles to actually pose a meaningful threat to yourself, especially with the split controls, and the enemies just take too long to destroy.
We also found that once you get to these later stages where your own projectiles pose a meaningful threat to yourself, you are basically not able to dodge them anymore, so we have decided to slow them down quite a bit. All of these changes, as well as a couple other minor tweaks and bugfixes are available for download in the 'Rebalanced' version for both Windows and Linux.

Art :

Programming: Umbrason | Fabio Kolligs , Werghoul , SquashyHeemo , novalostj

Sound: Jelmerrr - Jelmer de Rooij

VoiceActing: JassiBuum, BudGarf


Download 100 MB
BuggyBot-Rebalanced-Linux.tar.gz 99 MB
Download 100 MB
BuggyBot-Twin-Stick-Linux.tar.gz 120 MB
Download 100 MB
BuggyBot-Linux-Original.tar.gz 120 MB

Development log


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The current approach for moving forward and shooting is not working for me. I'm wondering if you could explore alternative techniques for maintaining accuracy while moving. It would be much more effective if the movement allowed for strafing and shooting, similar to other games in the genre.
The visuals are fantastic, but they clash with the current mechanics.

Hi! Thanks for checking out our game. We’ve gotten that feedback you’ve given for the unified movement/shooting direction quite a bit so we’ve decided to add a version that addresses that, as well as a re-balance of the early game and some of the upgrades. You can check it out in the Linux/Windows downloads section if you’d like!